Xaqua UDP

A 360 Degrees Approach for Collaboration and Tracking

Mass Vaccine Management, Administration and Immunization Tracking

xAQUA® Immune’s secured integrated platform allows the State Public Health Departments (SPHD), Local Health Departments (LHD) and Providers to collaborate and perform end to end live cycle functions for Mass Vaccine Management, Administration and Immunization Tracking to protect the Citizens from Pandemic.

Leverage the Power of Connected Data and Data Science

Track and Deliver Data Story with Deep Insight

Leverage the power of connected data and connected data science in the graph database.

Track and Deliver Deep Insight from the 360 Degrees Temporal and Spatial Views of Connected Administrator, Provider, Allocation, Order, Inventory, Patient, Vaccine, Immunization, and Laboratory Test.

Built-in visual data analysis and data science capabilities that leverage the power of connected data.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Outcome and Effectiveness

Longitudinal View of Patient Immunization and Laboratory Test Events

xAQUA Immune provides Laboratory Data Reporting for the Clinical Providers in compliance with COVID-19 Pandemic Response: CARES Act Section 18115. Our built in Patient Master Data Management and Probabilistic Entity Resolution mechanism establishes temporal linkage between the Patient and Laboratory Test Result that allows to identify the Patient population who was tested COVID-19 positive after the immunization with a specific vaccine product. Inbuilt Time-series view, geographical heatmap and reporting are used for outcome measurement and informed decision.

Deliver Trustworthy Data Story
Rapidly Establish 360 Degree View

Master Data (Subject) Centric Solution

The solution uses Master Data Centric approach where various Master Data  Entities (Subjects) such as Person (Patient/Citizen), Organization (Provider, State Public Health Department (SHPD), Local Health Department (LHD), Vaccine Manufacturer etc.), Product (Vaccine) and Locations form the core of the data model. Various Events and transactions (Immunization Event, Addition and Subtraction Inventory Transactions etc.) are linked to the Master Entities. System maintains linkage between Master entities such as Vaccine and Vaccine Manufacturer, Citizen/Patient and Vaccine and Provider etc. that allows our solution to deliver deep analytics and insight not only be leveraging the data but also the relationships between the entities.

Deliver Actionable Data Story with Deep Insight

Rich Data Analytics, Predictions and Data Visualization


Standard and Ad-hoc Reporting
xAQUA Immune is compliant to any JDBC compliant reporting tool such as Tableau, Power BI, and ClickView etc. can be integrated to xAQUA Immune. The default reporting implementation comes with Tableau as the analytics and reporting tool as it is a remarkably simple, user-friendly and effective tool to create interactive data visualizations quickly. Moreover, it can handle a huge volume of data and quickly provide calculations on datasets.


Interactive Data Analysis using Graph Data Visualization
Perform Full Text (Google like) and Advanced Search and perform interactive data analysis using our highly intuitive and efficient Graph Data Visualization technique.


Query Tool
Users can leverage the built-in self-service Query tool to write Cypher queries that is English like, very business friendly and easy to learn. Once the query is developed, it can be saved and used at a later point in time and can be shared with other users. The query shows result both in tabular and visual graph form that the user can interact with and explore from that point by digging down on the data nodes.


xAQUA Immune solution comes with out of the box self-service capability to set up various alerts to watch for certain conditions and run the alert queries at a predefined interval.


Graph Data Science
xAQUA Immune delivers out of the box capability for Data Science with built-in Graph Data Science Algorithms and integrated tools. Graph data science is a connected data science, where relationships are first-class citizens and the connections between the data points can be used to make better, more accurate predictions. Instead of thinking about the data in rows and columns, we consider the importance of the relationships between those data points, which are potentially far more valuable for predictive accuracy than of flat tabular descriptors. Graph data science uses multidisciplinary workflows – combining queries, statistics, graph algorithms and ML techniques – for leveraging the relationships and topology of connected data to power Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. Beyond algorithms and statistics, graph data science uses expressive Cypher queries to interrogate the graph and find local patterns.

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    Single Unified Platform Delivering End to End Management of Mass Vaccination functions

    VACCINATION – Manage vaccine distribution at scale and expedite vaccine administration for a large population

    SHARE DATA – Securely share data timely and efficiently using data services API with CDC and other partners.

    DATA INSIGHT – Perform analytics, vaccine effectiveness tracking, visualization, reporting, predictions and make informed decision

    Integrated Data Management Governance 

    Configurable Smart, and Transparent

    Vaccine Management – Ability to automatically adjust inventory based on administration, transfer, excursion, and loss using configurable inputs from the State and ML/AI.

    Near Realtime Integration – Automatically extract information from the State’s Immunization Registries in a real-time basis using xAQUA’s advanced API integration capabilities.

    End to End life cycle management – Ability to track and audit all activities related to mass vaccination that includes current inventory status, vaccine order management, vaccine distribution, dose administration, order transfers, excursions, and loss (shipping issues/damage)

    Integrated Data Management Governance 

    Integrated Data Security and Privacy

    USER AUTHENTICATION Authenticate Users using Multi-factor Authentication, Single Sign-on, One-time Password (OTP), and Federated Identify Management.

    ACCESS CONTROL Role Based Access Control (RBAC) functions and data; fine-grained access control for data at rest.

    API SECURITY API access control using OAuth2 protocol, WS-Trust, SAML2, JWT assertion grant type and NTLM-IWA grant type integrated to the API Gateway.

    USER ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT AND USER PROVISIONING User and Group management, Support for heterogeneous user stores, password policies, and multi-step user provisioning workflow.